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Organization & Functions

The FIA was established by the MOF for the purpose of overseeing the information operations of the MOF and subordinate agencies. The FIA is constituted according to The Act of Organization of the FIA, Ministry of Finance with a Director-General, two Deputy Director-Generals, and a Chief Secretary. The Agency is responsible for the following affairs:
A. The overall planning, coordination, research, and evaluation of the information systems of the MOF.
B. Deliberation, inspection, and assessment of operations, plans, equipment, and performance of the information systems of the MOF and its subordinate agencies.
C. The planning, advocacy, and assessment of information security of the MOF and its subordinate agencies.
D. The overall planning of fiscal information management, systems design, examination and review of procedural handbooks and regulations, operational training, guidance, supervision, and control.
E. The implementation of data collection, processing, and utilization in accordance with the Tax Collection Act and other relevant laws.
F. The establishment and management of the information system for government procurement and private participation in infrastructure.
G. Other matters related to the fiscal information of the MOF.



Release date:2012-05-29 Last updated:2022-06-13

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